2024-2026 Innovative Services for Students with Autism Grant-Cycle 2
Increase local capacity to serve students with autism ages three through 21.
The Grant Application is Now Closed
Grant Overview

All Texas local education agencies (LEAs) are eligible to apply for grant funding to increase their capacity to implement innovative programs that effectively serve students with autism ages three through 21.

LEAs may apply individually or in collaboration with other districts or open-enrollment charter schools. Prioritization of funding is given to collaborative applications.

The project will result in effective, scalable models that can be replicated in other areas of the state.

The authorization of the grant comes from the 88th Texas Legislature.
Application Requirements
To be eligible for a grant award, the LEA’s application must incorporate:
- evidence-based practices
- data collection on student achievement and improvement
- parental support and collaboration
- use of technology, which may include interactive technology
- meaningful inclusion
- ability to replicate the program for students statewide
Who is eligible to apply?
School districts and open-enrollment charter schools are eligible to apply for the grant.
Contact Information
For grant application content questions email autismgrant@esc13.txed.net
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