

PASL Guide for Principal Preparation Candidates

At long last, principal preparation candidates now have a comprehensive resource dedicated to the development of ETS® PASL tasks. The PASL Preparation Guide, developed by the LCM Team, supports candidates as they plan, prepare, and perform on their Performance for School Leaders (PASL) tasks!

PASL Preparation Guide Book


Everything you need to prepare for your PASL tasks

Problem Solving In The

Supporting Continuous Professional Development

Creating a Collaborative


Step-by-Step Guidance

The PASL Preparation Guide (PPG) will take you step-by-step through the three PASL tasks. You will build important skills as you make the most of your Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL).

  • Learn how to select authentic and meaningful tasks for school improvement
  • Consider how to approach the important work of enhancing teacher and student performance strategically and efficiently
  • Develop your capacity to plan, execute, and monitor large scale projects


Helpful Hints & Strategies

The LCM Planning Process Wheel will guide you through the metacognitive thinking and purposeful planning that is necessary to complete your three PASL tasks.
Helpful hints provide just-in-time information about what to prioritize and how to ensure you are not overlooking details that may cost you points on the scoring rubric.

  • Tips for success are highlighted in the Helpful Hints sections
  • Ideas are practical and easy to incorporate
  • Clear, consistent pattern to follow for each PASL task


Valuable Online Resources

The LCM Online Resources are designed to stimulate your ideas about preparing artifacts as part of your ongoing work with the PASL tasks. Many candidates have requested this type of support, and now it’s here!

  • Exemplars provide helpful modeling
  • Visual resources enable you to craft your own ideas
  • Conceptualize the artifacts you want to produce as evidence


Personalized Planning Journal

Your PASL preparation will likely extend for many months, and you will be wise to record your efforts! The PASL Journal is a tool that will enable you to plan ahead, seek input from your mentor or collaborative team members, and keep track of your progress.

  • Think through the PASL task narrative prompts in advance
  • Clarify your thinking through journaling
  • Document your work over time so that you can complete your ETS template easily


About The Authors

LCM Consulting, LLC (LCM) was established because of our shared passion for growing teachers and helping principals develop their capacity to meet the demands of leading schools in today’s world. Our body of work includes writing an online course, TTESS for Success, for the University of Texas, and redesigning courses for Concordia University’s Master of Education program & ESC Region 13’s Principal Certification Program.

Lori Einfalt, Ph.D.

Lori Einfalt is an assistant professor at Concordia University where she oversees the principal preparation program. This book is dedicated to her CTX students. Lori is a founding member of LCM Consulting, LLC and has proudly served 35+ years as an educator.

Criss Wakefield, M.Ed.

Criss Wakefield has worked as an elementary classroom teacher, assistant principal, and principal for 36 years before retiring in 2010. Since retiring, she has worked as a founding member and educational consultant of LCM Consulting, LLC.

Mary Kimmins, M.Ed.

Mary Kimmins has worked in a variety of education roles from teacher to curriculum coordinator to principal since beginning her career in 1983. Now she works as a founding member and educational consultant of LCM Consulting, LLC.

Patricia Reyna Henry, M.Ed.

Patricia Reyna Henry is a former educator with experience ranging from teacher to principal to Director of HR. Since retiring in 2015, she now uses her experience as a contributing member and educational consultant of LCM Consulting, LLC.